Everything about promptsDid we ever think, they’ll come a day where anyone could do be a Software Engineer provided we know how to construct a “Prompt”. Now, it’s…Mar 19, 2023Mar 19, 2023
U.S Patent Phrase MatchingNLP abbreviated as Natural Language Processing is used for many task and one of them is text similarity prediction, where given 2 sentences…Nov 22, 20221Nov 22, 20221
Kaggle Survey Dataset.Every Year Kaggle Conducts a ML and Data Science Survey. They release the cleaned survey result and host a competition, where the kagglers…Nov 16, 2022Nov 16, 2022
Netflix Rating Prediction CompetitionEven before Kaggle was launched, Netflix held a competition and announced 1 million as the price money.This happened in the year October 2…Sep 22, 2022Sep 22, 2022
Unsupervised Learning Performance MetricAccuracy, TPR, FPR, FP, TP, Confusion Matrix, list goes on and on and on…. All these are for, supervised learning, where you have features…Aug 3, 2022Aug 3, 2022
Attribute Models in MarketingHalf the money I spend on Marketing is wasted and the problem is I don’t know which half.Apr 11, 2022Apr 11, 2022
EnsemblesYou have a doubt in Quantum Physics. You ask your physics teacher, he’s able to explain the theory and base math. But he’s not able to…Mar 29, 2022Mar 29, 2022
How to build a decision tree — Part 2We’re going to consider an example and work on the Math behind constructing a decision tree.Mar 23, 2022Mar 23, 2022
How to build a decision treeHow do you build a tree ? Wait don’t trees grow on their own ? Well decision trees don’t. What sort of trees are these ? And what kind of…Mar 20, 2022Mar 20, 2022
Network failed Error React Native.Every time you try using fetch(), to display data in ReactNative apps from a remote server, you’d come across this error. It can be solved…Nov 22, 2020Nov 22, 2020